FDA Disclaimer:
The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Our Vets
Dr. Sosnow has been a practice owner for 19 years and currently owns two hospitals in Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona. He is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), the Arizona Veterinary Medical Association (AzVMA), and the National Association of Cannabis Plant Sciences (NACPS).
Dr. Sosnow has lectured locally and nationally on the science of cannabinoids in veterinary practice and continues to be an enthusiastic supporter of the use of cannabinoids in veterinary medicine.
In 2018, Dr. Sosnow, along with his partner, formed CompanionCBD, LLC. He now acts as Chief Medical Officer of the company.
Dr. Trupp has over 20 years of experience as owner, hospital director, and practicing veterinarian of a hospital focused on providing the highest standard of care to both clients and patients. He brings strong medical, diagnostic, surgical and dentistry sills and is an educated and enthusiastic supporter of cannabinoids in veterinary medicine.
Educating clients to help ensure pet family members enjoy and long and healthy lives is a top priority of Dr. Trupp's. He has a passion for building relationships with both clients and patients and looks forward to continuing this at CompanionCBD.
Beyond practicing veterinary medicine, Dr. Trupp has held numerous leadership positions with AVMA; AAHA; Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine; Topeka AVMA; Topeka Zoological Park; Topeka Helping Hands Humane Society; and other local organizations. He and his wife have three children and three furry feline family members.